To financially support us via:

  • credit card please click on the ‘Give’ button (it may take a few seconds to load) and select the minister you wish to support from the drop-down menu. Fees are 1.9% + 30c per  transaction – it would be fantastic if you could cover them for us.
  • electronic bank transfer please transfer funds to the following account clearly indicating in the reference which minister you are supporting.

Account Name: Synod Management Fund
BSB: 082 441
Account Number: 392 655 240

Tim Smith - Grenfell

Tim and Jess moved to Grenfell in January 2023 to share the great news about Jesus and to encourage and equip Christians in the church. 

Currently the church can only afford 3 of 5 days stipend. In dependence on God and the generosity of other Christians, we are seeking to raise $30,000 towards Tim and Jess’ support in 2024.

If you are able to help, we would love to ensure you receive regular updates and prayer points about the ministry in Grenfell. Thank you and may you find blessing in being a blessing.

Jonny Lush - Oberon

In January 2023 Jonny Lush moved from Brisbane with his wife Liz and youngest son Sam, to begin serving the Lord in the parish of Oberon, their first paid minister for many years! Praise God that, since Jonny’s arrival, the congregation has grown, and in 2024 can afford 2 days stipend (up from 1 days stipend in 2023). With Jonny now being remunerated full time (i.e. 5 days a week) that still leaves 3 days stipend that needs to be funded externally.

Jonny and Liz love Oberon. They are deeply aware of the need for the greater Oberon community to know God’s grace in Jesus. Can you also partner with existing donors and Jonny and Liz as they seek to share Jesus for life?

Bec Choi - Blayney & Millthorpe

Bec Choi began as a lay stipendary worker in 2021 and was ordained as a deacon in February 2022.

Already Bec’s ministry among families and women in the town of Blayney and village of Millthorpe is bearing fruit but the parish is not yet in a position to fund her 3 day a week role. In the interim are you able to support Bec as she works alongside Rev’d Wally Cox to share Jesus for life?

Jono Williams - Canowindra

Jono Williams is moved back to Canowindra in April 2023.  Abp (Canterbury) William Temple is quoted as saying, “The Church exists primarily for the sake of those who are still outside it.”.  Canowindra Anglican & Uniting Church has reflected this vision for over 15 years in various activities. However, the church in Canowindra can only afford to support a minister for 3 out of 5 days a week, with another day per week funded by a generous bequest. In dependence on God and the generosity of other Christians, we are seeking to raise $18,000 towards Jono’s support in 2024 to enable him to be remunerated full-time.

If you are able to help, we would love to ensure you receive regular updates and prayer points about the ministry in Canowindra. We give thanks to God for prayerful support.