Minister: The Venerable Jono Williams

Church Locations:

1 Belmore St, Canowindra
(PO Box 197, Canowindra, NSW 2804)

Rankin St, Woodstock

Bowler Street, Eugowra

Toogong Rd, Cranbury (Uniting)

Blatchford Street, Canowindra (Uniting)
Clergy House: 43 Suttor Street, Canowindra

Phone:   02 6344 1643


Facebook: Canowindra Anglican

About the Parish

A Christ focused community of faith that witnesses the Gospel.

In April 2004, the Parish commenced a co-operating arrangement with the Uniting Church Congregations of Canowindra, Cranbury and Cudal.

This was a ‘first’ within the Diocese, and was sought by the people – as a way of sustaining and growing ‘the church’ within the community. These parish communities are increasingly working together, and exploring varied ways of realising their mission.

Licensed and authorised members of both denominations are involved in leadership and pastoral activities in the Parish.

The Anglican and Uniting Congregations of Canowindra choose to worship together every Sunday – in the one place, at the same time. In doing so, we experience a variety of styles of worship from each of our traditions.

Service Times


Canowindra: 9:30am every Sunday – (All Saints Anglican – September-May. Peace Memorial Uniting – June-August)

St Matthew’s Woodstock: 8am first Sunday of the month

Cranbury Community Uniting: 11:15am second & fourth Sundays of the month

St Matthew’s, Eugowra: 3pm first and third Sundays of the month


Peace Memorial Uniting Canowindra 10am

Other Parish Activities

Home Groups, Bible Studies and Small Groups all have a place in our church community.

Pastoral visiting takes place at the local hospital, Aged Care facilities and also those who are ‘housebound’ residents.

Special Religious Education in the local public schools and Girls’ group.

*Particular Events in the Parish Year include: Annual Concert with Students from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music – usually in April and Baroque fest in September*

Parish Policies and Practices

We welcome enquiries regarding, Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Funerals. These should be to the Parish Priest in the first instance.

Baptisms can take place during Sunday morning worship with the gathered Parish community or at a time that is convenient.

Confirmation services are usually held in the latter part of the year – preceded by several months of preparation. Adults and children undertake separate relevant programmes for them.

Couples seeking marriage in the Parish are strongly encouraged to undertake a Marriage Preparation programme as part of their commitment to their new life to-gether.

The Parish community is committed to growing in faith, and welcomes ‘newcomers’ and visitors, alike.

For more information, please contact us via any of the methods listed above.