Newsletter: Easter 2024

Latest news from around the Diocese this Easter. Plus a message from The Very Rev’d James Hodson, Bishop’s Commissary. Open the...

Announcement: Ordination in Bathurst on Sat 20 April 2024

It is with gratitude to God that I announce today that Mr Joshua Taylor and Mr Stuart Border are to be ordained as Deacons at All Saints Anglican Cathedral Bathurst, on Saturday 20 April at 11am. This follows the unanimous recommendation of the diocesan ordination...

Announcement: A new minister for Narromine in May 2024

This morning in our Parish of Narromine, with joy and gratitude to God, it was announced that Luke Merriman is set to commence as Lay Stipendiary Minister during the month of May. It is a wonderful testament to the goodness of God, that they have accepted our offer to...

Bishop’s Commissary Newsletter – 2024 Lent Edition

Gazing at God’s Goodness – don’t miss the six Lenten Studies (which double as sermons) leading up to Easter by Rev’d Dr Paul Dale. Study questions and sermon notes are available for small groups. Plus a message from The Very Rev’d James...

The church as God intended: Ephesians 4

Click here for the sermon "The church as God intended... keeps the unity of the Spirit (Eph 4:1-6) Sermon Archive “His Kingdom knows no end”: Sermon Notes: Christmas 2023 Sermon ArchiveSermon ArchiveSermon ArchiveSermon ArchiveSermon ArchiveSermon...